
Your Service Agreement

The purpose of an agreement is to document a personalised support arrangement between the client and Infinity Care. Infinity Care agrees to provide the services or support outlined in this Individual Service Agreement. Any changes to the service and/or support listed in this agreement will require prior authorisation from all parties.
Your service agreement with Infinity Care will be provided to you via email or via post. Please contact us if you have not received a copy of your service agreement or if you require any amendments to be made to information that may be incorrect or out of date.
We endeavour to provide you with ongoing support dependent on your needs. Therefore, we will be in touch with you within 28 days of your agreement expiry to discuss how we can continue to offer you this support.
Ongoing Reviews & Support
The service will be reviewed on request by the clients to assess the client’s medical and care needs. The care coordinator may identify, as a result of such assessment, that additional services or higher care package level are required to be provided to the client to maintain the client’s health & safety. Alternatively, Infinity team member will contact you to schedule an appropriate time for a re-assessment meeting to ensure appropriate review and re-assessment is carried out.

Let us help you be independent around the house and the community

We at Infinity Care pride ourselves in providing customised service based on your needs to promote independence and inclusion in community. Call us to find out more.
