In this course learn how to treat people suffering from various mental and physical health conditions, as a result of ageing and traumatic injuries. With this short course, you will be able to acquire the essential skills and concepts that will take your caregiving career to the next level.
In this course you will learn about health conditions people suffer due to ageing: the brain, central nervous system and health conditions such as decreased sensitivity to pain, learning dysfunction & insomnia. You will lean about the heart, lungs and circulatory system and health conditions such as angina and cardiovascular disease. Moreover you will learn skills and methods for helping client’s physical and mental health.
In addition, you will learn about the deterioration of the human body due to damage, ageing and illness, different skin conditions and how to treat them, bones, joints and muscles and illness that effect the comfort and mobility of patients. You will learn different techniques for treating patients to improve their quality of life and how various body functions deteriroate with age, symptoms, health implications and appropriate treatments.
Learners who successfully complete this course will:
- Demonstrate good work practices in the provision of individualised holistic care for older people.
- Understand the concept of the ageing process.
- Be able to meet the full range of needs of older people in a variety of care settings.
- Enhance the quality of life of the older person..
- Realise that people with the same disability often have unique needs.
- Learn about real-life experiences of mental ‘illness’ and recovery
- Understand the impact of age-related changes, losses and health problems on mental health
- Develop skills to CONNECT and communicate with older people experiencing mental distress
- Recognise the impact of trauma on older people
- Gain new insights on duty of care and risk
- Enhance your existing skills in aged care to support mental health
- Support older people to ‘remain in control’
Caring for the Older Person with Specific Needs
Build skills to support elderly people in making choices and exercising control in residential and community aged care settings.
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